字1 字21 字41 字61 字81 字101 成语1 成语21 成语41 成语61 成语81 成语101 词语1 词语101 词语201 词语301 词语401 词语501 词语601 单词1 单词21 单词41 单词61 单词81 单词101 诗词1 诗词101 诗词201 诗词301 诗词401 诗词501 诗词601 诗人1 诗人21 诗人41 诗人61 诗人81 诗人101 名句1 名句21 名句41 名句61 名句81 名句101 近反义词1 近反义词21 近反义词41 近反义词61 近反义词81 近反义词101 造句1 造句101 造句201 造句301 造句401 造句501 造句601 字笔顺1 字笔顺21 字笔顺41 字笔顺61 字笔顺81 字笔顺101 歇后语1 谜语1 谜语11 谜语21 文言文1 文言文2 文言文3 百家姓1 百家姓2 百家姓3

英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英['mɒdəreɪtə(r)] 美['mɑːdəreɪtər]

n.调解人;仲裁人 n.减速剂 (降低自由中子在核反应堆中速度的物质;让中子更可能使铀235原子裂变;而较少被铀238原子吸收)

  • 详尽释义
  • 英英释义
  • 例句
  • 近义词
  • 临近词
  1. 仲裁者
  2. 慢化剂
  3. (会议)主席
  4. 缓和剂
  5. 调节器
  6. 仲裁人
  7. 调解者
  8. 节目主持人
  9. 主考员
  10. 监考员
  11. 【物】减速材料
  12. 议长
  13. 主考人
  14. 监考人
  15. 审判者
  16. 【宗】长老会会议主席
  17. 【物】减速剂
  18. 【化】阻滞剂
  19. 调停者
  20. 仲裁
  1. any substance used to slow down neutrons in nuclear reactors

  2. in the Presbyterian church, the officer who presides over a synod or general assembly

  3. someone who presides over a forum or debate

  4. someone who mediates disputes and attempts to avoid violence

...a former moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.


moderator: Our profits be too either, and do not need financing, that is the reason?

主持人: 可能我们的盈利状况也不错, 也不需要融资, 是这样的原因?

Lovers as one dream to go abroad, dreams of one day a BBC moderator.

祝英台一心梦想出国, 梦想有朝一日成为BBC主持人.

The governor persuaded both sides to continue their talks with the moderator.


Today you personally came to the forum, moderator and netizens are very excited and deeply honored.

今天您亲自来到强国论坛, 我们版主和网友都非常激动,深感荣幸.

Please consider me to a moderator for your site. Thank you!


Hiring extra help is as easy as adding a new moderator.


moderator: Why do you participate in the Assembly of the Internet.

主持人: 您这次为什么参加互联网大会.

moderator: In the past, women are not too many VC.

主持人: 过去女性VC人士不太多.

International Assembly moderator Sonny Brown ( right ) shares a laugh with the 2009 RI training leaders.

国际讲习会主持人索尼?布朗 ( 右 ) 与2009年国际扶轮训练领导人们一起欢笑.

But one moderator , the aides said, would encourage more sparring between the candidates.

幕僚说如果只有一个主持人, 就易于导致候选人双方直接争辩.

moderator angry is false, so that Li Yuchun performing million is really well down the stage.

主持人生气是假 、 让李宇春表演万顺利走下舞台是真.

moderator Can edit and delete any uploaded torrents. Can also moderate user comments and disable accounts.

管理员可以编辑或删除任何种子文件, 可以给用户添加备注和禁止用户帐号.

During the process, the quality of relationship between consumer and brand as a significant moderator.

在此过程中, 消费者同购买品牌的关系质量起到了显著的调节作用.

Moreover, need for cognition is taken as a moderator to be examined in this study.

此外, 消费者的认知需求程度是否会对上述关系产生干扰,也值得探讨.

The design structure of moderator cell meets the demand for CARR project.


Works with moderator to select inspectors and assign roles.


As Van Gundy a moderator announced that the Magic's practice would be open for 30 minutes.


moderator: Next question will be Kirit Radia from ABC News.

伍德先生: 接下来请美国广播公司新闻台(ABCNews)的拉迪亚(KiritRadia)提问.

moderator: You have an interview in the home of a photo, reported the Internet.

主持人: 你在家里接受采访时的一张照片, 在网上报道出来了.

moderator: You are Intel is also doing investment, is one to do so about six years.

主持人: 您在英特尔其实也是做投资, 一做就是做了六年左右.

Authorize this message for moderated newsgroups ( moderator only )

批准仲裁新闻组的这条新闻 ( 仅限于仲裁人 )

The same, it will be up to the moderator to approve your message to be posted.

同样的, 该邮件仍将由调节员决定是否许可发给整个社群.

The moderator invoked a rule causing the debate to be ended.


Coping style was a moderator in the buffering process of sensation seeking in stress.


moderator: they are their competitors.

主持人: 自己是自己的竞争对手.

The moderator for this meeting Eric Hughes, tries to quiet the cacophony of loud, opinionated voices.

会议的主持人,埃里克·休斯, 试图平息大声嘈杂的 、 固执己见的声音.



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